First EAGE Workshop on the Jurassic and Triassic Plays
 in Northwest Europe

      27-28 February 2025 | United Kingdom

Workshop Overview

This workshop will cover stratigraphic, reservoir challenges, seal capacity and seal integration, and new approaches in enhancing the exploration and production with Jurassic and Triassic plays not only in the North Sea but also in Norwegian Sea, West of Shetland, Atlantic margins, and northern Europe.

Middle to Lower Triassic sand reservoirs in the region (mainly in the UK side) have become a primary interest for new discoveries recently especially for gas exploration and very recent interests in Carbon Capture Storage and waste nuclear disposal. Over the border, Jurassic plays is seen as interesting reservoirs in terms of gas exploration. On top of that, seal integrity and seal capacity is quite challenging as the lateral facies changes dramatically in which some reservoirs despite of great reservoir quality, seem are depleted or dry. 

Stacked sandstone and mudstone, variable reservoir quality and seal integrity laterally and vertically, challenges in stratigraphy framework and sequence stratigraphic studies and complex tectonic histories have stimulated joint research interests from academia and industry. 

Despite of a substantial published and unpublished literature, regarding the stratigraphy and reservoir characterisation of Lower Jurassic to Cretaceous intervals in North Sea, the investigation of the Triassic interval remains relatively limited, particularly in the CNS (central North Sea), Norwegian Sea, and surrounding regions. These areas hold significant potential for abundant resources, offering substantial commercial prospects and research-driven opportunities in the field of energy transition. 

The primary objective of the workshop is to foster discussions, knowledge-sharing, and comprehension of various aspects such as paleoenvironment, applied mineralogy, stratigraphy, weathering, diagenesis, lithology, and provenance (origin and deposition) concerning sand reservoirs and top seals within the region. Of particular interest is the Triassic Skagerrak Formation, primarily composed of fluvial deposits and lacustrine sediments, encompassing layers of mudstones and sandstones with varying occurrences of evaporites. The region also hosts several sections characterised by high-pressure high-temperature (HPHT) conditions, which typically correlate with high-quality sandstone reservoirs, attracting significant commercial attention.

Additionally, other Triassic formations across the region, including the Sherwood, Joanne, and Josephine sandstones, exhibit notable diagenetic features, resulting in the creation of reservoirs of good quality. However, challenges persist in accurately defining and comprehending the precise stratigraphic relationships between basins and regions due to the dynamic nature of these formations, such as their paleoenvironment and paleogeography. In the context of energy transition, there is a considerable focus on reviewing vintage data (i.e., stratigraphy) and available analytical findings, as well as repurposing and decommissioning facilities for geothermal exploration and activities.

The regions are characterised by structural complexity, and establishing the connectivity of the sub-basins has been a specific area of interest for both the industry and academia. 

Traditional techniques like biostratigraphy, particularly palynology, face challenges in Triassic sediments due to low recovery rates barren of microfossils. However, a combination of multiple stratigraphic approaches, such as chemostratigraphy, sedimentary provenance analysis, and time series log analysis, has contributed to a better understanding of the subject matter. Nonetheless, there remains a vast amount of knowledge yet to be gained. For instance, these techniques are often applied independently or focused on limited geographic areas, leaving the broader stratigraphic framework of the European Triassic somewhat incompletely understood.

The  topics will include:

  • Innovative Exploration Techniques
  • Triassic and Jurassic Reservoirs, differences in UK vs Norway
  • Energy Transition Initiatives & Energy Security Perspectives
  • Knowledge for Safe Carbon, Hydrogen, & Nuclear Storage in Triassic North Europe
  • AI for Eco-Friendly Exploration
  • Stratigraphy & Source-to-Sink Dynamics
  • Modern Environmental Studies
  • Diagenesis & Reservoir Quality
  • Real-Time Drilling Challenges
  • Production Depletion Solutions
  • Top Seal and Structural Geology & Rock Mechanics
  • HPHT reservoirs and PPP for Triassic

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