First EAGE Conference on Machine Learning
22 - 24 September | ONLINE
IBM Research Brazil
"A Knowledge-centric approach for AI in Subsurface Characterization and Decision Making"
"The good, the bad, and the human side of AI"
Subsurface imaging Co. Ltd.
Stanley Rich Wharton is President and Principal Consultant of Subsurface Imaging. Co. Ltd., with over 33 years’ international experience in oil and gas subsurface exploration, in Latin America/Caribbean, USA and in the Middle East. For over 20 years, he has been a Lead Geoscientist and subject matter applications expert in Machine Learning applications in the subsurface for exploration, appraisal and development, starting in late 1998 in bp-AMOCO. He was the Machine Learning Unsupervised Seismic Facies Champion for bp, worldwide, for several years. For approximately 12 years thereafter, Stanley Wharton was Consultant Geoscientist and subject matter application expert for Machine Learning seismic chronostratigraphy, seismic facies and log facies classification applications in the Exploration Regional Assessment Department, Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia. He has also been the initiator, Assistant Editor and publisher for the Seismic Chronostratigraphy Special Section in the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) Interpretation Journal, May 2015 issue.
Total E&P
"Computational Aspects of ML-based Geosciences Applications"
Mauricio is a Senior Computer Scientist and leader of the HPC & ML team at Total E&P R&T USA. He is also Adjunct Professor at the Computational and Applied Mathematics Department, Rice University. He is also lecturer with the Professional Science Master's Program at the Weiss School of Natural Science of Rice University, where he teaches computational geophysics. Previously, he lead Machine Learning for Geophysics efforts at Shell International E\&P Inc. Before that, he worked for Repsol USA researching on near real-time visualization/computing and HPC for geophysical algorithms. Before that position, he was senior computer scientist at Barcelona Supercomputing Center for the Kaleidoscope project, which received the IEEE award for technology of the year in 2008, and the Platts Award, a prize for innovation given by Petroleum Economist magazine. He holds a PhD and MSc from INRIA-UNSA in France and Computer Engineering degree from the University of Chile.