25th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics

For its 25th edition, the European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics will continue to build on 25 years of research and development in the field of engineering geophysics as we join our two new sister conferences in The Hague between 8-12 September 2019. The three day scientific conference will cover a wide array of topics related to the near surface field, drawing on a wealth of excellent plenary talks, oral and poster presentations, and rich discussions. 

Being Europe’s most significant meeting of its kind, the 25th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics offers participants the opportunity to meet the people behind the most cutting-edge research across a range of topics, from the applications of geophysics to the emergence of new technologies and research trends. Take part in the bright future of environmental and engineering geophysics, and join us in The Hague.

Registration is open!

We invite abstracts on the following topics:

  1. Applications of Airborne Geophysics
  2. Applications of Borehole Geophysics
  3. Applications of Land Geophysics: Urban Areas, Industrial Sites, Landfills, Storage Sites, and Tunnels
  4. Applications of Marine Geophysics and Exploration of Flooded Mines
  5. Archaeogeophysics
  6. Artificial Intelligence / Autonomous Platforms
  7. Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
  8. Environmental Geophysics
  9. Geophysics for Agriculture
  10. Geophysics for Cold Zones (Cryosphere)
  11. Geophysics for Geotechnical Engineering (Including Tunnels and Slope Instability)
  12. Geophysics for Hot Zones (e.g., Volcanoes, Hot Spots)
  13. Geophysics for Mining and Mineral Exploration
  14. Hydrogeophysics
  15. Methods 1: Seismic and Ground-Penetrating Radar
  16. Methods 2: Electromagnetic, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, and Induced Polarization
  17. Methods 3: Electrical Resistivity, Gravity, Magnetic
  18. Method Integration, and Joint Inversion
  19. Modelling, Inversion, and Data processing
  20. Monitoring and Characterization
  21. New Technologies, Developments, and Research Trends
Scientific Committee
Deyan Draganov (Chair)TU Delft
Ranajit GhoseTU Delft
Antonis GiannopoulosUniversity of Edinburgh
Elmer RuigrokKNMI
Evert SlobTU Delft
Ivan VasconcelosUniversity of Utrecht
Johannes SingerFugro
Ranajit GhoseTU Delft

Local Advisory Committee
Evert Slob (Co-Chair)
TU Delft
Ranajit Ghose (Co-Chair)TU Delft
Deyan Draganov
TU Delft
Dominique Ngan-TillardTU Delft
Elmer RuigrokKNMI
Ivan VasconcelosUniversity of Utrecht
Johannes SingerFugro
Robert van IngenT&A Survey BV
Richard de KunderSeismic Mecahtronics

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