4th EAGE Eastern Mediterranean Workshop

      4-6 December 2023 | Athens, Greece


The workshop will explore a variety of themes with the goal of fostering discussions. While we have provided initial topics of interest below, we welcome abstract submissions on any subject related to hydrocarbon exploration in the area. While our primary focus is the Eastern Mediterranean, we also invite submissions from outside the region that draw analogies or have an impact on the area.

1. Regional Geology of the Eastern Mediterranean

1.1 Insights from new data

1.2 Applications of field geology to offshore interpretations

1.3 The impact of neotectonics on petroleum prospectivity

1.4 Geotectonic evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean

1.5 Carbonate depositional systems of the Tethyan margins

2. Controls on Petroleum Systems and Prospectivity

2.1 Established, emerging and new petroleum plays

2.2 Exploration challenges

2.3 Distribution and controls on Petroleum Systems and prospects

2.4 Subsurface monitoring of fluid migration

2.5 Field case studies: development and production


3. New Technologies and application 

3.1 Learnings and advances in seismic acquisition and processing

3.2 Seismic imaging of the pre-salt section

3.3 Non-seismic geophysical methods and their application (gravity, magnetics, CSEM etc.)

3.4 Advances in drilling and development in demanding operational environments (TFB, deep & ultra deep waters, touristic areas, etc)

3.5 AI applications in workflows


4. Aligning with the Energy Transition

4.1 Role of gas as a bridge fuel in the energy transition and synergies between industries (Hydrogen production, methanol, ammonia, etc.)

4.2 Opportunities for sub-surface energy storage (e.g. gas, carbon dioxide and hydrogen storage opportunities)

4.3 Geothermal resources

4.4 Technological applications for the promotion of Renewable Energy Sources

4.5 Geo-environmental policies for decarbonisation in the Eastern Mediterranean

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