Company logo & link to company's website on the event website
Company logo in the venue
Company logo on the following (depending on agreement date): Conference Programme, Conference related advertisements and articles in EAGE's First Break, Event App, Event mailings, Social media announcements, Opening Session banner/slide
Company insert/item included in Delegate Pack
Investment: €10,750.00 (Max. 3 sponsors)
2 complimentary registrations
1 complimentary student registration
Company logo & link to company's website on the event website.
Company logo in the venue
Company logo on the following (depending on the date of agreement): Conference Programme, Conference related advertisements and articles in EAGE's First Break, Event App, Event mailings, Social media announcements, Opening Session banner/slide
Registration packages
Investment: €4,250.00 (Max. 3 sponsors)
Company logo & website link featured on event website
Logo placed on various materials (subject to agreement date): registration mailings, Registration social media announcements, Event Programme
Company logo at the event registration area
Company item (flyer/brochure/etc) at event registration desk
Company logo incorporated into the pack design (item to be confirmed)
Investment: €5,950.00(Exclusive) Benefits:
Company logo incorporated into the lanyard design
Company logo + link to company's website on the event's webpage
Company logo on the following (depending on the date of agreement):
Event printed Programme
Social Media announcements
Company visibility throughout the full event / all delegates will wear your logo
Technical Programme
Investment: €3,950.00 (Max. 3 sponsors)
Company logo & website link featured on event website
Logo placed on various materials (subject to agreement date): Technical programme webpage, mailings,Technical programme related social media posts, Event Printed Programme, Lecture rooms, Poster area
Company Display
Investment: €3,750.00 Benefits:
1 Complimentary registration
Table & chairs
Lunch and coffee breaks
Power socket and standard power consumption
2 meters space behind the table (any background materials need to be produced by the company and brought to the venue themselves)
Catering & Social packages
Coffee Points
Investment: €2,750.00 (Max. 3 sponsors)
Company logo + link through to the company’s website on the event website
Company logo on the following (depending on the date of agreement):
Event printed Programme
Social Media announcements
Recognition at the Coffee Point area with dedicated signage
Investment: €3,500.00 (Max. 3 sponsors)
Company logo + link through to the company’s website on the event website
Company logo on the following (depending on the date of agreement):
Event printed Programme
Social Media announcements
Recognition at the Lunch area with dedicated signage
Icebreaker Reception
Investment: €1,750.00 (Max. 3 sponsors)
Company logo + link through to the company’s website on the event website
Company logo on the following (depending on the date of agreement):
Event printed Programme
Social Media announcements
Company logo at the food & beverage points during the Icebreaker
Workshop Evening
Investment: €2,750.00 (Exclusive)
1 invitation at the event dinner
Company logo + link through to the company’s website on the event website
Company logo on the following (depending on the date of agreement):
Event printed Programme
Social Media announcements
Recognition at the Conference Dinner location with dedicated signage
Catering Package
Investment: €5,250.00
Company logo at the coffee points and lunch buffets
Company logo at the Networking Reception area
Company logo at the event's Dinner location
Company logo + link to company's website on the workshop's webpage
Company logo on the following (depending on the date of agreement):
Event printed Programme
Social Media announcements
Sponsoring Students
Investment: €5,500.00
Companies can sponsor students to attend the conference.
10 student registrations
"Sponsored by" logo on students' badge
Company logo + link to company's website on the event's webpage
Company logo on the following (depending on the date of agreement):
Event printed Programme
Social Media announcements
Social media post inviting students to participate, sponsored by