The call for abstracts is now closed.
Abstracts must be submitted following:
If you have any questions about the abstract submission process, please contact us here!
The technical committee invites abstract submissions of 300 words until 1 February 2020.
Anti-Plagiarism Statement
EAGE invites the presentation of new and original material in a range of multi-disciplinary topics in Geoscience and Engineering. The EAGE takes plagiarism very seriously. Therefore, if an extended abstract or paper, after careful review, examination and consideration, is rejected on the basis of plagiarism, ALL authors of the abstract/paper will be denied the opportunity for further abstract submissions for the following three years. Note that this means that NO abstracts/papers from ANY of the authors (as author or co-author on subsequent papers) will be accepted for ANY EAGE event (Annual Meeting or Workshop) for a period of three years starting on the date of the event for which the paper was originally submitted.
All interested to participate in the ECMOR XVII programme, should first submit an abstract which will be reviewed and included in the selection procedure. If the submission is selected and accepted into the ECMOR XVII programme, the author will be requested to write a full paper.
Please note that all submitted abstracts must follow the following guidelines:
Submission process