Eighth EAGE Arabian Plate Core Geology Workshop

The 8th EAGE Arabian Plate Core Geology Workshop will focus on the stratigraphic interval covering the Early Jurassic Aalenian to the Early Cretaceous Barremian. This is one of the economically most important stratigraphic intervals of the Arabian Plate, which hosts a number of world-class source rocks, reservoirs and seals. The stratigraphic architecture is, however, complex and requires a regional approach, crossing country boundaries, to understand the depositional history and develop predictive geological models. The creation and infill of intrashelf basins had a profound impact on the paleogeography and depositional environments, resulting in diverse facies associations and lithologies across the Arabian Plate.

Regional sequence stratigraphic correlations are needed to enhance the current understanding of the succession. This will help to better define the hydrocarbon play concepts in the region, and will provide constraints for reservoir models. This workshop seeks to attract contributions covering a wide range of topics listed below, and a particular focus will be on evaporite deposits, and conventional and unconventional source rocks.

  1. Evaporites
  2. Intrashelf basin creation and infill 
  3. Reservoir analogs from outcrop and subsurface: Why do they matter and how do we maximize their value?
  4. Multi-scale reservoir quality and geological control
  5. Unconventional source rocks/reservoirs 
  6. Updating regional stratigraphic models

For details on the submission guidelines and full topics, please visit this link.