First EAGE Conference on Near Surface in Latin America

3 - 5 November 2021, Online

First EAGE Conference on Near Surface in Latin America

The Near Surface Conference will address topics on Geological, hydrogeological, geotechnical, environmental, engineering, mining, archaeological, agricultural and other geophysics applications and investigations as well as physical soil and rock properties. Don’t miss out the opportunity to share and learn with the experts in the Industry

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Reserve your seat and take advantage of the Online Registration fees!

The registration fee includes entrance to both the EAGE Mineral Exploration Workshop and for the EAGE Conference on Near Surface 

Register Here

EAGE Workshops

The EAGE Workshops are intimate. Interactive. They are the right place to learn from the experts and really get to know your fellow delegates within your industry. Join this or other EAGE workshops and start learning and networking in our next event! 

Important Dates

Call for Abstracts Deadline  Closed!
Early Registration Deadline  2nd September  2021
Mineral Exploration Workshop
3rd November  2021                                        
Near Surface Conference 4 - 5  November 2021

Mineral Exploration Workshop

3 November 2021 |  Online

Conference proudly Sponsored By

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