Selecting Suitable Seismic Sampling Schemes

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Instructor:Andrea Crook (OptiSeis Solutions Ltd)
Duration and formats:
1 Day - 7 May 2025

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Course Description

Most land seismic acquisition courses focus on how to design or implement a seismic survey from the perspective of a seismic acquisition geophysicist and do not include examples of the final data. This course will provide numerous examples from processing, interpretation, and quantitative analysis (inversion) perspectives utilizing real datasets and decimation case studies. This will be very interesting for not only seismic acquisition geophysicists, but also seismic processors and interpreters, potentially increasing the number of course attendees.

The first step in accurately imaging the subsurface with seismic is to acquire a well-sampled dataset, but what happens if the seismic acquisition geometry is modified for surface, economic, and ecological constraints? This course will explore the impact different seismic sampling schemes have on processing results and quantitative interpretation analyses. Comparisons between various land seismic acquisition geometries such as grid, orthogonal, linear, slant, irregular, and random will be examined. Students will learn techniques for balancing technical, economic, and environmental considerations when designing seismic acquisition geometries.

Participants Profile

The participant should leave the course with a clear idea on the role of the geoscientist and geotechnical engineer in an offshore renewables project.

The course is designed for:

•Seismic Acquisition/Operations Geophysicists interested in learning new techniques for evaluating geometries

•Processors interested in how seismic geometries affect processing results and which geometries may be most appropriate for specific processing algorithms

•Interpreters interested in understanding why fold and trace density are insufficient metrics for determining survey quality when comparing different designs

• All participants interested in learning new methods to acquire more efficient and lower impact seismic surveys

Course Objetives

Upon completion of the course, the participants will be able to: 


Understand how various seismic sampling schemes effect the quality of subsurface images


Learn how to accurately compare land seismic geometries with different parameters utilizing specific seismic acquisition statistics


Evaluate seismic acquisition geometries based on processing and AVO attribute requirements


Select optimal geometries for balancing technical, economic, and environmental constraints

Course Outline

Upon completion of the course, the participants will be able to: 

Day 1

1.    Overview of seismic survey parameters 

  • Introduction 
  • Station Intervals
  • Line Intervals
  • Recording Patch (Inline, Xline, Maximum Offset) 
  • Exercises

2.   Geometries 

  • Traditional
  • Alternative
  • Considerations for Field Implementation

3.  Metrics for Evaluating Seismic Geometries 
  • Traditional Methods: Fold, Trace Density, etc.
  • Advanced Methods: Kx-Ky, Fresnel Fold, etc.
  • Exercises

4. Effects of Geometry Selection

  • On Processing
  • On Inversion
  • Considerations for FWI
  • Group Discussion

Recommended reading 

Any basic seismic acquisition textbook. Example: 

Chapters 1-5 of Cordsen, A., Galbraith, M., Peirce, J., and Hardage, B. A. [2000]. Planning land 3-D seismic surveys. Geophysical Developments Series No. 9. Society of Exploration Geophysicists.

Chapters 2 & 4 of Vermeer, G. J. O. [2002]. 3-D seismic survey design. Geophysical Reference Series No. 12. Society of Exploration Geophysicists. 

Articles on comparing regular and non-orthogonal geometries.


Naghizadeh, M., Vermeulen, P., Crook, A., Birce, A., Ross, S., Stanton, A., Rodriguez, M., and Cookson, W. [2023]. EcoSeis: A novel acquisition method for optimizing seismic resolution while minimizing environmental footprint. The Leading Edge, 42(1), 61–68. 

Ourabah, A., Bradley, J., Hance, T., Kowalczyk-Kedzierska, M., Grimshaw, M., and Murray, E. [2015]. Impact of acquisition geometry on AVO/AVOA attributes quality - A decimation study onshore Jordan. Proceedings of the 77th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Extended Abstracts. 

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