21-22 October, 2025- Toronto, Canada 

First EAGE Workshop on Geophysical Techniques for Monitoring CO2 Storage 

In alignment with climate change mitigation goals, the safe, permanent underground storage of carbon dioxide is undergoing a rapid acceleration in growth. Hundreds of projects have been initiated across the world, and each of those projects will have a monitoring program, most or all of which will involve geophysical techniques. This challenge fortunately coincides with decades of experience monitoring a handful of pilot and early commercial storage projects in several jurisdictions. New techniques and technologies are undergoing rapid evaluation in new pilots, and a new eco-system of ideas and means of monitoring is flourishing.

The goal of the First EAGE Workshop on Geophysical Techniques for Monitoring CO2 Storage is to help connect ideas and methods in carbon storage monitoring for the new wave of commercial projects now underway and the next waves that are about to be initiated. The targetted connections are between the myriad of technical solutions that can be achieved, and the subset of techniques that should be selected for specific projects. 

This discussion considers the differences and areas in common between storage sites, risk profiles, regularity governance and geophysical monitoring for both onshore and offshore environments We hope these connections help us take from what is possible to produce plans and approaches that are practical and efficient. We are not promoting a race to the bottom on costs and regulatory minimums but an exploration of efficiency based on marrying technical capability with site-specific need

These ambitions will be achieved by a small working group over a two-day-long period. Our workshop will include invited speakers and will also accept technical presentations that align with the event. Attendee participation will include focused and carefully moderated dicussion periods, online polls and breakout sessions

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