Event Overview 

Building upon the successful first EAGE Data Processing Workshop in Cairo we are excited to explore yet further into the depths of data processing in all its domains. In the first workshop we discussed how Seismic Processing has become a foundation stone for all the activity related to the energy industry of the future and the energy transition. Moving from the evergreen 2D and 3D time processing it has been relentlessly evolving into 4D then 4C,  becoming an even larger domain via Data Processing inversion techniques and calibration to geotechnical integration in a never slowing pace of innovation. The Energy transition with all the requirements from renewables, critical minerals, decarbonisation, transition fossil fuels is demanding of a huge amount of data processing. The demand for de-risking of multiple ventures requires high resolution data processing of a very thin layer portion of our earths crust where the integration of geological and geotechnical data is paramount. 

In this second workshop we will be seeking more emphasis on other forms of data processing. For instance, Satellite imageries and data will become more and more widespread as a backbone for accurate site characterisation in the domain of agriculture and forestry allowing the industry to respect the challenging targets of the decarbonisation pathway.

The significant leap forward in data processing in all its domains has been possible via two main enabling factors: Data acquisition technology advancements and the availability of an unprecedented amount of Computing Power. It is this latter aspect which gave us the idea to join forces with our co-conspirators in high performance computing in Barcelona, enabling us to jointly explore new options for data manipulation.

The healthy debate on data processing kicked off in Cairo with valuable input from many experts in their respective fields. Come to Barcelona and enjoy a stimulating discussion which promises to open new insights to data processing being the life blood of the energy industry and beyond!

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