Innovative Technology for Reservoir Optimization: Fifth EAGE Well Injectivity & Productivity in Carbonates (WIPIC) Workshop

13-16 April 2025 |  Doha, Qatar

Event Sponsors

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our generous sponsor. 

Main Sponsors


TotalEnergies has been present in Qatar since 1936, and is active in exploration and production, refining and petrochemicals, marketing of lubricants, and renewable energies. 

TotalEnergies is a participant and the operator of Al Khalij offshore oilfield which it discovered in 1991, and holds a significant stake in the concession covering the major Al Shaheen offshore oilfield operated by North Oil Company. 

TotalEnergies is also one of the founding partners of QatarEnergy LNG and Dolphin Energy and holds a 16.7% and 24.5% interest in QatarEnergy LNG N(2) Train 5 and Dolphin Energy, respectively. In 2022, TotalEnergies became QatarEnergy’s first partner in the giant North Field East (32 million tonnes per annum or MTPA) and North Field South (16 MTPA) LNG projects, with 6.25% and 9.375% participating interest, respectively. 

The Company is also present in four world-class refining and petrochemicals ventures: QAPCO, Qatofin, RLOC and Laffan Refineries. It is also a prominent partner in the Al Kharsaah Solar PV IPP Project, a 800 megawatt-peak (MWp) solar plant inaugurated in October 2022.


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