
The following topics and subtopics will be covered with presentations and posters and participants will have enriched discussions and experiences during this workshop

1. Acquisition

  • Source technology – how source technology developments are improving OBS, and how unconventional sources such as Marine Vibroseis can play a part

  • Receiver technology – recent advances in OBS receiver technology and operations

  • Acquisition designs – novel techniques, survey designs and hybrid technology solutions

  • Applications – 3D and 4D, passive, CCUS, TZ & marine and adaptations for sustainable energy

2. Processing, imaging and velocity model building 

  • Processing solutions – a look at emerging technology and applications

  • FWI – how far FWI has come including FWI imaging,4D FWI and elastic FWI

  • Imaging – complex imaging, shallow imaging, PS converted waves, VMB with sparse nodes and hybrid datasets

  • Data – machine learning, handling big data, data transmission, reducing processing timelines and delivering data faster

3. Case studies – From acquisition to interpretation

  • Challenges and benefits of seabed seismic for interpretation and inversion

  • Multicomponent seismic. Using all four components and the full elastic wave field

  • 4D

  • Integration of multi-physics and seabed seismic

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