About the event

Young Professionals face unique challenges which this event aims to address. By collaborating together, the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, the Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain and the Society of Petroleum Engineers are working together to support and celebrate our YPs, and that of the wider industry. Our program is developed by YPs from the societies involved to address the challenges and innovations the industries future leaders face.The YP Summit aims to tackle critical issues faced within the industry. Given the recent turmoil the industry has faced we are keen to focus the Young Professionals Summit on the oil industry of the future, what is changing and how that will impact the way YPs work. Using examples of other industry sectors and how they have tackled similarly large challenges, we intend to explore the change in the energy mix and the impact that it is having on the industry, innovative and disruptive technologies, knowledge transfer; so the experience of a generation is not lost, and how YPs can build a successful career within the sector.

Our Vision

To integrate, empower and transform the new generation of energy professionals for an optimistic future.

Our Mission

To create an event promoting cross-discipline collaboration and industry exchange of ideas and technologies with a focus to equip young professionals for a sustainable career in the industry,