Dr. Eirik Larsen is cofounder and CEO of Earth Science Analytics, a company focusing on the commercial application of AI in petroleum geoscience. He has 20+ years’ experience from the E&P industry. He has held various technical and managerial roles in oil companies including Statoil, and 4 years as Exploration Manager in Rocksource. He has experience from exploration, field development, and production. He holds a PhD in Petroleum Geology from the University of Bergen, and is now laser focused on implementation of AI in petroleum geoscience.
Dr. Thierry Coléou is a geologist with a PhD in Geostatistics from the Ecole des Mines de Paris. After 5 years in the mining industry, he joined Compagnie Générale de Géophysique in 1988. Initially based in Houston, then in Stavanger and London, he is back in France since 2003 in the R & D department of the reservoir characterization group.