Jeffrey G. Southwick

Energy Consultant, JSouth Energy

 Wednesday, 2 April 2025 | 09:10 - 09:45

Keynote "cEOR - 50 Years of Progress, The Time for Implementation is Now"

Dr. Jeffrey Southwick has 40 years of experience working in chemical EOR with Royal Dutch Shell. Jeff was a member of the team led by Dr. Richard C. Nelson at Shell Research that developed the fundamental concepts of ASP flooding. He performed fundamental studies on the stability of polymers in alkaline solutions, and the reaction of alkali with silicate geologies. Forthis he was awarded the Cedric Ferguson Medal from SPE in 1985. Jeff’s later work involved formulations with alternative alkalis, and chemical flooding offshore. His technical papers were awarded “Best of Tulsa” in 2014 and 2018.

Jose Sergio de Araujo Cavalcante Filho

Senior Technical Advisor, Petrobras

 Wednesday, 2 April 2025 | 09:45 - 10:20

Keynote “CO2-EOR or CCUS (or both): how to dispose CO2 creating value and reducing emissions!”

Experienced Reservoir Engineer with a passion for innovation and delivering results. Jose Sergio has a strong background in the oil & energy industry, specializing in Reservoir Engineering, Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR), Gas Injection, Compositional Numerical Simulation, and Fractured Reservoirs. Throughout his career, he has contributed to the production strategy development of complex offshore projects in the Brazilian Presalt region. Holding a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin, Jose Sergio currently serves as a Senior Technical Advisor for Petrobras.

Stéphane Jouenne

R&D CO2 Capture Project Coordinator, TotalEnergies 

 Thursday, 3 April 2025  | 16:00 - 16:35

Keynote “Polymer Flooding : some insights on adsorbed polymer layer and permeability reduction for better selecting polymer molecular weight”

Dr. Stephane JOUENNE is a research engineer at TotalEnergies. From 2005 to 2021, he led a team dedicated to surface and subsurface topics related to polymer flooding so as to properly design polymer projects and enhance the reliability of the whole chain. He participated to several field pilots onshore and offshore. His research interests include oil recovery mechanism with polymer solutions, control and prediction of oxidative and mechanical degradation of polymers, modeling of polymer rheology, development of new surface equipment for improved monitoring and control of polymer flooding operations. In 2024, he received the IOR pioneer award from SPE. Stephane has transitioned since 2021 to a new research topic, the capture of anthropogenic CO2.

Nancy Lugo

Captain Subsurface Manager, Ithaca Energy

 Friday, 4 April 2025  | 09:00 - 09:35

Keynote "Captain Chemical EOR Injection Journey"

Nancy, is the Subsurface Manager for the Captain Field operated by Ithaca Energy. She is a Petroleum Engineer with over 25 years’ experience in the oil industry where she has held roles in both Operational and Subsurface domains. She leads the subsurface aspect of the Captain EOR project the most advanced polymerised water injection project in the UK North Sea.

Subhash Ayirala

Petroleum Engineering Consultant, Saudi Aramco

Friday, 4 April 2025  | 09:35 - 10:10

Keynote "SmartWater Flooding: A Sustainable Water Flooding Process for Carbonates"

Dr. Subhash Ayirala is a petroleum engineering consultant and currently leads the improved oil recovery team at Saudi Aramco’s EXPEC Advanced Research Center, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, as a focus area champion. His areas of expertise include waterflooding, improved/enhanced oil recovery, produced water management, CO2 mineralization, and mineral recovery. He previously worked for Shell E&P and has about 20 years of experience in upstream research and technology deployment. Dr. Ayirala has authored or coauthored 120 technical papers, 85 journal publications, and more than 90 granted/pending patents.

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