Technical Topics

1. Methods

2. Application Areas

1.01 Seismic Methods (Active & Passive) - Reflection, Refraction, Surface Waves, etc

1.02 Microseismic and DAS Monitoring

1.03 Potential Field Methods (Gravity, Magnetic)

1.04 Electric and IP Methods

1.05 EM and MT Methods

1.06 MRS and NMR Methods

1.07 Ground-penetrating Radar

1.08 Other Geophysical Methods - Radiometry, Thermal, Photometry, Muon, etc

1.09 Borehole Logging; Borehole to Surface and Cross-hole Tomographic Methods

1.10 Geophysical Modelling and Inversion

1.11 Remote Sensing - Orbital Radar (Satellite, Airborne, UAV, Robotics)

1.12 AI/ML in Near Surface Geoscience and Engineering

1.13 Geotechnical Testing, Modelling, and Data Analysis

1.14 Integrated Approaches in Near-surface Geosciences and Geoengineering

1.15 New Technologies in Sensors, Equipment, and Digitalisation (Cloud Computing, Quantum Computing, IoT, Big Data) 

2.01 Hydrogeology  and Groundwater

2.02 Human Settlement and Infrastructure Development

2.03 Contribution to Structural Design/Improvement

2.04 Geohazards and Mitigation

2.05 Near-surface Mineral Exploration, Mining, Excavation and Tunnelling

2.06 Petroleum Exploration – Improving Deep Images by Understanding Near Surface

2.07 Shallow Marine Geoscience and Engineering

2.08 Forensic Investigation

2.09 Archaeology, Cultural Heritage, and Hazardous Old Mine Voids

2.10 Agricultural, Medical, and Environmental Geosciences

2.11 Energy Transition (Green Energy, CCUS & Wind Energy)

2.12 Dam & Levee Safety 

2.13 Watershed Management

2.14 Educating the New Generations of Geoscientists and Geoengineers

2.15 Others

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