Professor, Delft University of Technology
Keynote Title: Theory for Retrieving Air-launched GPR Reflection Data from GNSS-R Data
Professor, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGGCAS)
Keynote Title: Recent Progress in Imaging the Subsurface Structure of Mars by Zhurong Rover Radar and Implications on Aqueous Activities on Mars
Professor, Kyoto University
Keynote Title: Unraveling the Movement and Deposition Features of Landslides by Multiple Geophysical Survey Approaches
Professor, Shandong University/University of Connecticut
Keynote Title: Deep Learning and Its Application in Underground Engineering Safety Monitoring and Assessment
Chair Professor of Geophysics, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)
Keynote Title: Expanding Near-Surface Geophysics: Below, On, and Above the Surface
Professor, Chang’an University
Invited Presentation Title: Real-time GPR Data Interpretation and 3D Visualization in the Era of Vertical Large Models
Professor, Chang’an University
Invited Presentation Title: Acquisition of High-Quality Virtual Shot Gathers: A Weighted Stacking Method Based on Adaptive Covariance Filter
Professor, China University of Geosciences, Beijing
Invited Presentation Title: Technology and Application of UAV Seismic Source and UAV Ground Penetrating Radar Detection in Harsh Environment
Professor, China University of Petroleum (Beijing)
Invited Presentation Title: Progress on Fully Polarimetric Borehole Radar
CEO and Technical Manager, Geostudi Astier srl
Invited Presentation Title: Recent Advances in 3D Electrical Resistivity Tomography, from Multi-transmitter Measurements to Improved Data Processing Strategies
Professor/Associate Dean, Guangzhou University
Invited Presentation Title: A Drone-borne GPR System for Ice Thickness Monitoring
Professor, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGGCAS)
Invited Presentation Title: Radar Exploration of Planetary Subsurface Structures
Professor, Jilin University
Invited Presentation Title: Joint Wave-equation Inversion of Rayleigh and Guided-P Dispersion Curves
Associate Professor, Kasetsart University
Invited Presentation Title: Roles of Geophysics in Society through Integrated Surveys for ShallowGroundwater Explorations in Drought-Affected, Central Thailand
Head of Earthquake Engineering Laboratory, Mongolian University of Science and Technology
Invited Presentation Title: Integrating Strong Motion Data and Basin Modeling for Comprehensive Earthquake Engineering Applications
Professor, Wuhan University
Invited Presentation Title: Characterizing Near-Surface Model with Seismic Full-waveform Inversion
Senior Scientist, Zhejiang University
Invited Presentation Title: Extraction of Train-traffic-Induced Leaky Mode and Applications on Near-Surface P Wave Velocity Estimations