EAGE Session Forum II: The Roles of Geoscientists & Engineers in the Changing Energy and Technology Landscape

Tuesday 4 June, 13:30 – 16:00

The shifting mix of energy sources and the need to move to low carbon may change the demand for skills. At the same time, automation, robotics, artificial intelligence (AI) and cognitive technologies will change how work gets done, impacting all industries. Some jobs may be automated, new jobs will emerge.

The purpose of this session is to;
1) Discuss how geoscience and engineering roles will change
2) What skills will be needed?
3) How do we transition?
4) How can the industry continue to attract and retain talent?

The session will run for 2.5 hours as a moderated session with 4-6 panellists. The first half of the session will begin with each panellist giving a five-minute introduction followed by structured questions from the chairperson and from the audience using app technology.

The big questions asked will be;

  • How do we communicate a powerful and compelling sense of the future to our work force (both current & future), to our investors and society?
  • Will geoscience and engineering become digitalised, or will automation free up minds to work the new opportunities?
  • What are the realistic timelines for adoption of automation and AI into different industry sectors?
  • Cognitive systems may remove human bias and improve predictive accuracy – what will be the role of the human thought process?
  • If traditional development roles are automated, how do we develop high end skills and thinking?
  • Do we need to think differently about diversity and our approach to inclusion within our workforce?
  • Will our ways of working need to change?


The List of Participants will be announced here on an ongoing basis.

To learn more about our other forum sessions, please click here.

The EAGE Forum Sessions are open to all participants! 

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