Wednesday 5 June from 15.00 to 17.00
The Women in Geoscience & Engineering is a Special Interest Community of EAGE established in 2013. With the experience of 5 successful editions organized at each EAGE Annual in the past years, the WGE Team will present a new Special Session in London 2019! The theme of the Conference - “Embrace Change” - will be the red thread of the session, which will feature a diverse panel of speakers, a lively Q&A and time for informal networking..
Make the most of your experience at the EAGE Annual by attending this Special Session and connecting with professionals supporting women in geoscience and engineering worldwide!
Do you have questions about this special session? Would you like to be involved? Or do you have an idea to propose?
All delegates are invited. This session is free of charge and does not require any pre-registration. Join the WGE LinkedIn group to receive updates about all EAGE activities for Women in Geoscience and Engineering.
Keynote Speaker
Robbie Gries
Founder and President, Priority Oil & Gas LCCGSA President 2018-19.
Robbie Gries is President of the Geological Society of America and has worked with the Executive Committee and GSA staff during her term on ethics, diversity, expansion of collaborative activities with other societies, increasing energy industry involvement and a new decadal strategic plan. She is author of "Anomalies - Pioneering Women in Petroleum Geology: 1917-2017". Robbie is also the founder and President of Priority Oil & Gas LLC, a Denver-based natural gas production, petroleum exploration and development company with producing properties in Kansas and Wyoming.
She has been in the petroleum industry for over 45 years and has been an independent since 1980. She has combined the business side of oil and gas with her passion for the science of geology and published over 30 papers. She is the 2012 recipient of the AAPG Michel T. Halbouty Outstanding Leadership Award. She was the first famale president of the 35,000-member association and expanded the footprint of the organization by visiting over 44 countries and all six of the newly formed AAPG Regions. Robbie has been a Director for the Colorado Oil and Gas Association and an officer, leader, and scientific contributor to the Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists.
She was noted as one of the Top Women in Energy by the Denver Business Journal in 2018. Robbie earned a B.S. degree in geology from Colorado State University and a master’s degree in geology from The University of Texas at Austin where she serves on the Advisory Council for the Jackson School of Geosciences Geology. Robbie is a co-founder of GeoScience World, an international internet resource for the geosciences providing digital access to geological publications to over 20 countries. Robbie is past president of the Colorado Women’s Forum and 1997 recipient of the Woman Leader of Excellence Award from the Colorado Women’s Leadership Coalition. In 1974, she was a founder of People House, a Denver based center for Human Potential.
Here is what the participants of the 2018 edition said about the WGE Special Session:
"Superb session! Thank you everyone!"
"Brilliant presentation […], fantastic panel session, great interaction between audience and speakers. Thanks for two truly well-spent hours, this was an inspiring session and I am looking forward to future events."
"Very punchy and efficient to boost boldness and self-confidence."
Click here to read more about the WGE Special Session 2018.