Integrating Core and Seismic Data: Facies Mapping of Lacustrine Turbidites in the North Falkland Basin

Workshop 18: Friday, 7 June
Conveners: Thomas Dodd (British Geological Survey)
Dave McCarthy (British Geological Survey)
Phil Richards (Falkland Island Government)


This workshop will illustrate how correlations are made between seismic data and cores, with a particular focus on lacustrine turbidites from the North Falkland Basin. Lacustrine turbidites are less well documented compared to that of their marine counterparts. Despite this, they are becoming increasingly more important as hydrocarbon reservoirs. The Sea Lion Fans represent a world-class example of a hydrocarbon filled deep-lacustrine turbidite fan. An integrated analysis of seismic cross sections, seismic amplitude extraction maps, and 455 m of core through the main reservoirs will be presented. This workshop will provide an interactive overview at the National Geological Repository at the British Geological Survey Headquarters in Keyworth, Nottingham.


  • 455 m of conventional core
  • Extensive 3D seismic Data
  • Amplitude maps from horizons (pre-picked)


  • Gain knowledge and understanding of deepwater sedimentary processes.
  • Observe seismic-scale turbidite fan architectures in lacustrine basins.
  • Understand the differing controls on sedimentary processes in lacustrine environments.
  • Appreciation for impacts on hydrocarbon reservoirs. 

Preliminary Schedule

8:30 – 11:00
Depart from London
Welcome and Tour of BGS Core Store and Facilities
Lecture – Deepwater process, lacustrine systems and the North Falkland Basin
Initial core walkthrough
Lunch and poster session
Core examination (walkthrough), with discussion
Amplitude Map Examination with Core Data and discussion
Concluding remarks and discussion
17:00Return to London

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