
Check out the programme for the online workshop. Please make sure you attend the workshop on time (10:00 - 15:00 CEST), so you don't miss any of these presentations. 


M. Urošević (Curtin University)
A. Malehmir (Uppsala University/ Smart Exploration)
C. Nind (Abitibi Geophysics)
L. Linzer (SRK Consulting-South Africa)

10:00Welcome & Introduction to the Workshop
10:05Seismic Imaging of Shallow Iron Ore in the Pilbara
Ashley Grant (BHP Iron Ore, Australia)
10:20Between a Rock and Hard Place: Geological framework control on diamond placer grade in Southern Namibia
Lynette Kirkpatrick (NAMDEB, Namibia)
10:35Reliable Seismic Imaging in Hardrock Environments Using Sparse and Noisy Data
Stefan Buske (TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany)
10:50Mineral Exploration with DAS
Milovan Urosevic (Curtin University, Australia)
11:05State-of-the-art UAV-EM Prototype for Extended VLF band: From concept to reality
Mehrdad Bastani (Geological Survey of Sweden, Sweden)
11:20Morning Break
11:35Recent Developments to the SkyTEM System for Increased Depth of Investigation
Per Gisselø (SkyTEM, Denmark)
11:50Geophysical Applications of Distributed Fibre Optic Sensing to Mining
Athena Chalari (Silixa, UK)
12:05Feasibility Study and First Ever Offshore 3D Seismic Survey for Deep-sea Mineral Exploration
Adriana Citlali Ramirez* and Bent Erlend Kjølhamar (TGS, Norway)
12:20Combining Mine Seismology with Surface Reflection Seismics in Deep South African Mines
Musa Manzi (Wits University, South Africa)
12:35Historical Review of Various Geophysical Methods Applied at Chelopech Mining Camp-Bulgaria
Kuncho Kunchev (Dundee Precious Metals, Bulgaria)
13:05Afternoon Break
13:20Multi-geophysical and Geological Integration in the Exploration for Mineral Resources
Luca Masnaghetti (Schlumberger Multi-physics, Italy)
13:35Magnetotellurics for Mining
Alan G. Jones (Complete MT Solutions, Canada)
13:50Groundfloor EM: A new adaption, with field examples from INFACT 2020 in Spain
Jean M. Legault (Geotech, Canada)
14:05Geophysical and Geological Data Integration in 3D Interpretation
Rob Hearst (SGC, Canada)
14:203D IP: Combining depth and high resolution
Nadine Veillette (Abitibi Geophysics Inc., Canada)

End of Workshop
* Presenter
This programme is subject to change.