
The European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE) is a global professional, not-for-profit association for geoscientists and engineers with approximately 19,000 members worldwide. It provides a global network of commercial and academic professionals to all members. The association is truly multi-disciplinary and international in form and pursuits.

All members of EAGE are professionally involved in (or studying) geophysics, petroleum exploration, geology, reservoir engineering, mining and mineral exploration, civil engineering, tunneling and environmental matters. EAGE operates two divisions: the Oil & Gas Geoscience Division and the Near Surface Geoscience Division.

EAGE organizes the following activities for its members:

  • Events (conferences, exhibitions, workshops)
  • Publications (journals, books)
  • Educational Programs (short courses, webinars, lectures)
  • Student Programs

The Venezuelan American Petroleum Association –  VAPA, is a nonprofit professional organization in the Hydrocarbon industry and other related energies. Incorporated in Texas, USA in July 2019.

Our Vision is to be the most respected professional association linking qualified talent to the energy industry.

 The purposes of the Association are:

  • Promote members professional growth while maintaining a high standard of conduct.

  • Provide technical support, education, and training for the sustainable development of the Venezuelan Energy Industry.

  • Develop our activities in a responsible manner following ethical, moral and professional values.

 VAPA activities for its members are:

  • Technical and Business meetings related to the Energy sector.

  • Continuous technical education program.

  • Members networking with energy industry.