Following the successful conferences in Biarritz (France) in 2015 and Florance (Italy) in 2019, we are proud to announce the 5th edition of the EAGE Conference on Petroleum Geostatistics. This conference focuses on new methods and applications in the field of geostatistics for the petroleum industry. While maintaining its strong focus on geo-modeling, integration of various data sources and uncertainty quantification, petroleum geostatistics has also gone broader the last years – and discussions on spatial and temporal components in machine learning and data science approaches are expected.
The 2019 Petroleum Geostatistics (Florence, Italy) attracted a great number of abstracts from a range of topics such as geomodeling, seismic reservoir charaterization, machine learning.
The conference is a great opportunity to network with other scientists and professionals in the field of petroleum geostatistics.
Leonardo Azevedo
Instituto Superior Tecnico
Co-chair PEGE 2023
Jo Eidsvik
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Co-chair PEGE 2023