This event is organized with the essential support of the technical committee members. The Technical Committee is composed of industry specialists within the event topic's area.
Prof. Jianghai Xia (Chairperson) | Zhejiang University |
Dr. Catherine Truffert (Co-Chairperson) | IRIS Instruments |
Takeshi Kozawa (Co-Chairperson) | JGI, Inc. |
Dr. Martin Brook | Auckland University |
Gerard McNeill | Austhai Geophysical Consultants |
Prof. Zhengyong Ren | Central South University |
Dr. Guoqiang Xue | China Geophysical Society (CGS) |
Dr. Feng Zhou | China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) |
Prof. Hongzhu Cai | China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) |
Prof. Feng Zhang | China University of Petroleum (Beijing) |
Prof. Jianchao Cai | China University of Petroleum (Beijing) |
Prof. Yibo Wang | Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Dr. Jun Sugawara | Department of Transport and Main Roads, Queensland |
Dr. Andi A Pfaffhuber | EMerald Geomodelling |
Jaana Gustafsson | Guideline Geo |
Dr. Mohammad Rachmat Sule | Institut Teknologi Bandung |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Nhu Trung | Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics, VAST |
Koji Kashihara | JAPEX |
Prof. Changchun Yin | Jilin University |
Prof. Jing Li | Jilin University |
Prof. Dr. Xingguo Huang | Jilin University |
Dr. Kazuya Okada | JOGMEC |
Dr. Kosuke Chimoto | Kagawa University |
Prof. Koichi Hayashi | Kyoto University |
Nathan Mosusu | Mineral Resources Authority of Papua New Guinea |
Prof. Tseedulam Khuut | Mongolian University of Science and Technology |
Prof. Tao Wang | Nanjing University |
Prof. Chun-Hung Lin | National Sun Yat-sen University |
Prof. Chih-Ping Lin | National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University |
Chisato Konishi | OYO Corporation |
Dr. Sanjay Rana | PARSAN Overseas Pvt. Limited |
Dr. Pham Huy Giao | PetroVietnam University |
Prof. Luigi Zanzi | Politecnico di Milano |
Dr. Helmut Duerrast | Prince of Songkla University |
Dr. Duy Thong Kieu | RoqSense |
Dr. Azadeh Hojat | Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman (Iran) |
Prof. Bin Liu | Shandong University |
Xu Leiliang | Sinopec Geophysical Corporation |
Dr. Dikun Yang | Southern University of Science and Technology |
Prof. Hiroaki Yamanaka | Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Dr. Mohd Hariri Arifin | Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia |
Ir Dr Goh Thian Lai | Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia |
Prof. Dr. Victor Mocanu | University of Bucharest |
Prof. Diego Arosio | University of Modena and Reggio Emilia |
Prof. Wei Leng | University of Science and Technology of China |
Doan Huy Hien | Vietnam Petroleum Institute |
Prof. Kiichiro Kawamura | Yamaguchi University |