Technical Committee

This event is organized with the essential support of the technical committee members. The Technical Committee is composed of industry specialists within the event topic's area.

Prof. Jianghai Xia (Chairperson)
Zhejiang University
Dr. Catherine Truffert (Co-Chairperson)
IRIS Instruments
Takeshi Kozawa (Co-Chairperson)JGI, Inc.
Dr. Martin BrookAuckland University
Gerard McNeill
Austhai Geophysical Consultants
Prof. Zhengyong Ren
Central South University
Dr. Guoqiang XueChina Geophysical Society (CGS)
Dr. Feng ZhouChina University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
Prof. Hongzhu CaiChina University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
Prof. Feng ZhangChina University of Petroleum (Beijing)
Prof. Jianchao Cai 
China University of Petroleum (Beijing)
Prof. Yibo Wang
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Dr. Jun SugawaraDepartment of Transport and Main Roads, Queensland
Dr. Andi A Pfaffhuber
EMerald Geomodelling
Jaana Gustafsson
Guideline Geo
Dr. Mohammad Rachmat Sule
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Nhu Trung
Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics, VAST 
Koji Kashihara
Prof. Changchun Yin
Jilin University
Prof. Jing LiJilin University
Prof. Dr. Xingguo Huang
Jilin University
Dr. Kazuya Okada
Dr. Kosuke Chimoto
Kagawa University
Prof. Koichi HayashiKyoto University
Nathan MosusuMineral Resources Authority of Papua New Guinea
Prof. Tseedulam Khuut
Mongolian University of Science and Technology
Prof. Tao WangNanjing University
Prof. Chun-Hung LinNational Sun Yat-sen University 
Prof. Chih-Ping Lin National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Chisato Konishi
OYO Corporation
Dr. Sanjay RanaPARSAN Overseas Pvt. Limited
Dr. Pham Huy Giao
PetroVietnam University
Prof. Luigi ZanziPolitecnico di Milano
Dr. Helmut Duerrast
Prince of Songkla University
Dr. Duy Thong Kieu
Dr. Azadeh HojatShahid Bahonar University of Kerman (Iran)
Prof. Bin Liu
Shandong University
Xu LeiliangSinopec Geophysical Corporation
Dr. Dikun YangSouthern University of Science and Technology
Prof. Hiroaki Yamanaka
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Dr. Mohd Hariri Arifin
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Ir Dr Goh Thian Lai
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Prof. Dr. Victor Mocanu
University of Bucharest
Prof. Diego Arosio
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Prof. Wei LengUniversity of Science and Technology of China
Doan Huy Hien
Vietnam Petroleum Institute
Prof. Kiichiro KawamuraYamaguchi University

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