The Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan (SEGJ) was established in May 1948 with the objectives to promote the science and technology of geophysical exploration as well as to encourage mutual communication among the members.
SEGJ was initially composed of 416 individual members and 18 corporate members. Dr. Kumiji Iida was appointed as the first president. The first issue of the journal” Butsuri-Tanko (Geophysical Exploration)” was published just a month after the establishment. The office of the Society was situated in the Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ) in Kawasaki at first.
Activating international cooperation, SEGJ currently has association agreement with the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), the European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers (EAGE), the Australian SEG (ASEG), the Korean SEG (KSEG), the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (EEGS), Vietnam Association of Geophysicists (VAG), the Society of Petroleum Geophysicists China (SPG), and the Indonesian Association of Geophysicists (HAGI).
KSEG (Korean Society of Earth & Exploration Geophysicists) is a non-profit organization established in 2007. It covers a wide range of geophysical activities from pure geophysical studies to exploration or engineering geophysics. It publishes the quarterly journal “ Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration”. It also organizes local Conferences in spring and fall and provides continuing education courses.
The ASEG is a non-profit company founded in 1970.
Its aims to:
The ASEG's main activities are the publication of the technical journal Exploration Geophysics, the bi-monthly magazine Preview, occasional Special Publications and holds regular technical events hosted by our branches. The ASEG organises a Geophysical Conference and Exhibition every 18 months. The ASEG also conducts continuing education courses and supports Research in exploration geophysics.
Himpunan Ahli Geofisika Indonesia (HAGI) merupakan organisasi profesi nirlaba yang beranggotakan Ahli Geofisika di Indonesia dengan berbagai latar belakang profesi dan industri. HAGI didirikan di Bandung pada 9 Oktober 1976 yang hingga tahun ini telah mencatat lebih dari 4000 anggota yang berada di berbagai negara. HAGI memiliki total 25 Komisariat Wilayah, yang terdiri di 19 kota di Indonesia, serta 5 Komisariat Wilayah di luar negeri, yakni Kuala Lumpur, Perth, Amerika Serikat, UK dan Eropa.