The Call for Abstracts for 7th Asia Pacific Meeting on Near Surface Geoscience & Engineering is now open! The submission deadline is set to Friday, 17 January 2025, 2359 hrs (UTC+8). After this date, it is no longer possible to add submissions. Kindly read the Template Instructions carefully as it contains important information regarding the requirements for your submission.
If you have any questions about the abstract submission process, please contact us here!
Step 1 | Identify your Topic |
Step 2 | Read Template Instructions |
Step 3 | Download Abstract Template |
Step 4 | Submit your abstract before 17 January 2025! |
Number the figures sequentially, according to their appearance in the text, and check that each figure is cited in the text.
Supply a short caption for each figure; more detailed discussion of the figure can be reserved for the text. Further information about the use of figure captions and figure numbering can be found in the First Break guidance for authors.
Example of an extended abstract, by courtesy of G.D. Wach.
Learn from EAGE experts and reviewers sharing their insights and tips on how to submit a good abstract for a scientific conference such as the NSGE.