The sessions below will open with keynote presentations from invited speakers who graciously accepted to contribute to the technical programme by sharing their experiences and expertise in their respective fields.
Monday 30 August | |
27th European Meeting | |
14:00 Polars, Alpines Regions & Permafrost Investigation | A. Saintenoy (University Paris Saclay) |
Tuesday 31 August | |
27th European Meeting | |
09:00 Geophysics in Agricultural Studies | S. Garré (ILVO) |
11:10 Laboratory Measurements and Rock Physics | D. Brito (University de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA)) |
14:00 Marine Geophysical Studies | M. Vanneste (Norwegian Geotechnical Institute) |
1st Conference on Hydrogeophysics | |
09:00 Aquifer Characterization | R. Knight (Stanford University) |
11:10 Environmental Characterization and Remediation I | S. Izumoto (University of Rennes 1) |
2nd Conference on Infrastructure Planning, Monitoring and BIM | |
09:00 Assessment and Monitoring of Damaged or Unstable Infrastructure | J. Chambers (British Geological Survey) |
14:00 Data Analysis and Sharing using BIM and GIS | C. Christensen (EMerald Geomodelling AS) |
Wednesday 1 September | |
27th European Meeting - Track 1 | |
09:00 Geophysics for Mineral Exploration and Mining I | K. Titov (Institute of Earth Sciences St. Petersburg State University) |
15:40 Geophysics for Cultural Heritage II | R. Deiana (University of Padua) |
27th European Meeting - Track 2 | |
09:00 Monitoring and Characterisation of the Subsurface | E. Slob (Delft University of Technology) |
14:00 Modelling, Inversion, and Data Processing II | D. Koehn (Christian Albrechts University Kiel) |
1st Conference on Hydrogeophysics | |
14:00 Novel Sensors and Systems I | E. Auken (Geological Survey Of Denmark And Greenland) |
2nd Conference on Geophysics for Infrastructure Planning, Monitoring and BIM | |
09:00 Applications of Emerging Technologies for Infrastructure | B. Biondi (Stanford University) |