Instruction Guide for Virtual Exhibitors
As an online exhibitor, you have the option of customising your virtual booth with:
- Company description;
- Company logo (jpeg, png or zip file);
- Brochures (pdf);
- Videos;
- Website links.
You will receive a confirmation email with information on how to provide this content.
The deadline for submitting this content is the 24th of November.
While visiting the Online Exhibition, the attendees will be able to video chat with your company representatives during the exhibition hours. During these times we expect every exhibitor to be active in their booth. Out side of the exhibition hours, we will require a company video that will be displayed in your booth. If you wish to not use the live interaction feature during exhibition hours, then this booth video will be on repeat. For alternative options, check our Tips & Tricks.
Virtual Exhibition hours:
- Tuesday, 8 December 15:00 - 19:00 CET
- Wednesday, 9 December 13:00 - 19:00 CET
- Thursday, 10 December 13:00 - 19:00 CET
- Friday, 11 December 13:00 - 19:00 CET
Demo of an Online Booth
View this video to see an example of what the Online Booths looks like during the live hours. Here you can also see how the different elements included in your online exhibition profile can look.
Deadline: Tuesday 24th November 23:59 CET
All of the following content needs to be delivered via this form (link available in week 46).
- Company profile
- Format in paragraphs with clear titles and subtitles
- Hyperlinks are possible within the text body
- Photos are possible within the text. Images must be hosted somewhere and include <img> in the description
- Word limit of 1000
- Website link
- Email address and phone number
- Social Media Links
- Videos
- There is the opportunity for two videos within your online environment
- All videos need to be embedded to YouTube
- The main video will be running in your booth at all times
- The smaller video that is placed in top right needs to be supplied without audio
- Logos
- The logo is visible at the virtual floor plan and inside your online environment
- Required dimensions: 750 x 750 px
- Supply a vector logo
- jpeg, png or zip files
- Pictures
- Can be linked to a website and used as a button
- In place of the small video on the top right corner, you can display up to 4 pictures in a slideshow
(dimensions 300 x 200 px) - jpeg, png or zip files
- Tags
- Select company tag: Service Company, Oil Company, Manufacturer etc.
See below what permissions you have as the booth host

All files can be uploaded by the booth manager themselves when their booth is active.
- 3 registrations are included with Main Sponsorship
- 2 registrations are included with Gold Exhibition
- 1 registration is included with Silver Exhibition
- We suggest making this a general admin account for your company e.g.
- Only one person can login with this host account at one time, but you can take shifts as the booth manager(the system will remove any additional people trying to use the same account at the same time)
- Deadline Wednesday 18th November 23:59 CET for the title / theme / presenter
- Deadline Wednesday 25th November 23:59 CET for full presentation
- These are pre-recorded presentations of 20 minutes
- Information on which attendees visited your booth is available
- This information will be shared 2 weeks after the event
EAGE will promote the exhibition to delegates themselves, however we strongly suggest promoting your company booth activity via social media. For more information click on
Tips and Tricks.