Interactive training: Personal branding on LinkedIn

Wednesday 9 December, 17:00 - 18:00 CET

Mark White - "The LinkedIn Professional"

After a 10 year career in international sales & marketing within the hi-tech industry and completing an MBA, Mark builds on his experiences to help organizations and individuals to help them use "online" to develop business and market themselves more effectively for their sales and marketing activities.

The last 11 years have been dedicated exclusively to working and training around LinkedIn, and he has delivered in-house training to over 450 companies with the focus primarily around its application to business development, inbound company marketing and recruitment.

Session Overview

With more people active online than ever before, LinkedIn has still managed to retain its position as the key online environment for business networking and personal branding. But how do we make the most of this opportunity when a professional social media presence is key?

We will look at the 3 Cs (customer, competitor, company) when it comes to personal branding and three key areas of LinkedIn to manage effectively:

1. Your Personal Profile: how to get your key messages across using both the visual and text elements that the profile offers us, as well as some recent additional options that LinkedIn gives; 

2. Posting: what we say is as important as how we look! We will examine what type of posting will serve you best and how you can help LinkedIn to distribute that to the right people;

3. Engagement: how to interact with others also plays a key role for you and your brand, so we examine some successful ways to do so, as well as some to avoid.

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