(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
EAGE Annual 2021 Sponsors
Technical Programme & Student Activities
Technical Programme & Student Activities
Exclusive Registration & Badge sponsor
Delegate Bags

Delegate Bags
Technical Programme
Technical Programme
DTA Main Sponsor & Footsteps and Decals

Directional Signage

Student Activities & Laurie Dake Challenge

Senior Executive Managers' Lunch
& DTA Sponsor

EAGE Annual 2021 App

DTA Main Sponsor


Laurie Dake Challenge
YP Your Career Symposium & Student Special Session & Afternoon Drinks

International Prospect Centre

Plan of the Venue

Afternoon Drinks

Exhibition Tour

Senior Executive Manager's Lunch Sponsor

Start-Up Sponsor

Afternoon Drinks
EAGE Annual 2021 Supporter