Dedicated Sessions

Dedicated sessions will be offered to complement the technical programme, adding to its depth and variety.

The dedicated sessions of the 83rd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition will be organized by the EAGE Technical Communities below:

NumberDedicated Session
8.01AI in Geoscience and Geophysics: Current Trends and Future Prospects

Dr Cédric John (Imperial College London)
Dr Jan H. van de Mortel (Independent)

Technical Community: Artificial Intelligence

The term ‘Artificial Intelligence’ or ‘AI’ is generally used to refer to the combined fields of data science, machine learning and deep learning. Although there is no ‘Intelligent machine’ yet, AI has revolutionised industries around the world, including in the geosciences and in energy companies. This highlight session will showcase a range of invited speakers from both industry and academia. The session has two main objectives: the first objective is to demonstrate how AI is currently impacting our industry, and how. This can include for instance routine application of unsupervised learning to seismic volume in order to extract meaningful attributes, use of computer vision to automate thin section and core analysis, automatic interpretation of logging data using machine learning, and applications of natural language processing to facilitate text extraction and analysis. The second objective is to look towards the future of AI in our field. Invited speakers will cover emerging technologies such as the use of physics informed neural networks (PINN), process-based modelling using deep learning, applications of transformers in image and geologic time series analysis, efforts to develop interpretable deep learning models, and improved solver to speed up and stabilize network learning. The invited expert speakers will be encouraged to address the following overarching questions: What is the potential of each technique? Is AI in its current form likely to stay? What are the promises and potential danger of future applications and algorithms?
8.02Energy Transition Technologies Powering Progress towards a Net Zero Future

Mr Benjamin Bellwald (Volcanic Basin Petroleum Research A.S.)
Ms Carla Martín Clavé (Jacobs)
Mr Augusto Correnti (Shell)

Technical Community: Decarbonization and Energy Transition

Efforts in energy transition and decarbonization are of the utmost urgency, and measures should be taken with immediate effect. In this dedicated session we welcome contributions about technologies with the potential to significantly power a net zero future. The session covers technological solutions focusing on shallow and deep subsurface and beyond, spanning from offshore wind to carbon capture and storage including hydrogen and geothermal energy solutions. The implications related to the decisions made during the climate conference in Glasgow (COP26) will further be discussed during this dedicated session.
8.03Petroleum Systems of Mediterranean Sea

Dr Jean-Jacques Biteau (Independent)
Dr Axel Wenke (Equinor ASA)

Technical Community: Basin & Petroleum Systems Analysis

This session will focus on different types of Petroleum Systems of the Mediterranean Sea and adjacent areas.
8.04Present and Future in Seismic Interpretation

Mr Rutger Gras (Independent)
Dr Cyrille Reiser (PGS)

Technical Community: Seismic Interpretation

The present-day practice of seismic interpretation and reservoir geoscience is rapidly evolving under the influence of technical and energy industry drivers.

On one hand the technology that enables seismic interpretation, and other related activities such as rock physics, seismic inversion, is rapidly moving forward: increasingly sophisticated acquisition and processing-imaging, quantitative interpretation, 3D-volume-based techniques, integration into workflows, open source tools and cloud-enabled computing leave a strong imprint on the day-to-day working practice of the end-user geoscientist.

On the other hand the accelerated transition from fossil energy to renewables since the 2020 watershed triggered a revolution and a crew change that challenges the traditional geophysical practice: the interpretation and subsurface understanding task remains, but the demands and constraints by the stakeholders are often radically different.

The Seismic Interpretation dedicated session in Madrid explores these trends and attempts to trace the trajectory going forward in the years to come.
8.05Current Trends in Mineral Exploration Geophysics

Dr Deyan Draganov (TU Delft)

Technical Community: Mineral Exploration Geophysics

This dedicated session will present current trends in mining exploration geophysics using different methods, e.g. seismic, electric, electromagnetic, gravity. Both passive-source and active-source exploration methods are targeted. The latter is especially important for seismic exploration as passive sources would allow minimizing the environmental impact.

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